Secrets of the Solstice: A Winter’s Walk
Saturday, December 16th, 3:30pm - 5:30pm

Secrets of the Solstice: A Winter's Walk
Celebrate the Winter Solstice with Mike Weilbacher on the Riverbend Preserve
In December, natural symbols celebrating the holidays abound: evergreens, hollies, mistletoe, even branching menorahs and the first fruits of Kwanzaa. What exactly happens at the solstice? And what is the strange and wonderful history of these– and other– symbols? On a guided walk through a winter forest, Mike Weilbacher shares the science, legends, and traditions of the season from around the world and across time, from the famous Stonehenge to less-known Native American woodhenges. And at long last, you’ll finally understand why we kiss under the mistletoe!
Mike Weilbacher
Writer-naturalist Mike Weilbacher is an environmental educator with 40 years of experience teaching through lectures, walks, newspaper essays, theatrical performances, and radio. His first book, Wild Philly, has just been released by Timber Press, and features 29 nature walks you and your family can take in the region, plus tons of additional information about nature and the environment.
Mike travels the Philadelphia area offering lectures, walks, and other programs on nature and the environment, talking about issues like climate change and protecting monarch butterflies. Visit his website at for more information.
A former nonprofit executive director, he’s also well-known to public radio listeners as “Mike the All-Natural Science Guy” on the award-winning live children’s radio show “Kid’s Corner” on WXPN, where he has been talking to children about nature and the environment for more than 35 years.
The hike will take approximately 45 minutes and end at dusk at Riverbend's campfire circle. Hot cocoa will be served. Please bring a reusable cup.
This event is appropriate for all learners and outdoor enthusiasts ages 6 and up.
For more information about Mike and his work, please visit his website.
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